Zhiyong Liu

Zhiyong Liu

Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. Zhiyong Liu got his Ph D degree in 1999 from China Agricultural university and then did postdoctoral researches at ETH Zurich, Switzerland and Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, USA from 2001 - 2004. He then backed to China Agricultural University and moved to the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016 working on wheat genomics, genetics and breeding focused on identification, mapping and map-based cloning wheat disease resistance genes. His lab cloned the powdery mildew resistance genes Pm5e, Pm24 and Pm41, leaf rust resistance and hybrid necrosis gene Lr13/Ne2. Those genes have been used to develop breeder friendly germplasms and wide adapted high-yielding new cultivars for the main wheat growing area. In the past years, Prof. Liu’s group has developed several new wheat cultivars and published papers in Nature Communications, Molecular Plant, New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, The Crop Journal etc.